Updated: 27Dec2019

My DNA Direct Lineage Tree - is Subject to Change  |  DNA = Doc's Natural Ancestors  |  Surnames  on this page |  Search this SIte  My Ancestry Blaschko Eaton Pereira Cardozo Perry Wilson Tree

 Parents (2)  | 1st Grand-Parents (4) |  2nd Gr-Grandparents (8) |  3rd Gr-gr-Grandparents (16) |  4th Gr-gr-gr Grandparents (23)  |  5th Gr-gr-gr-gr Grandparents (30)

83 Ancestors shown on this page

Click Tree Below to View actual size


Click Tree Above to View actual size

Note: as of this date, I have No DNA Matches to the surname of Begnal, Young or Wilson - meaning my Fathers Birth name of Begnal, my Birth name of Young or my Mothers Birth maiden name of Wilson

mouse over some of the pictures of Parents, Grandparents & Great-Grandparents will link to that person's information on this site drdocyoung.com

No DNA Matches to my Parents as of 10 Nov 2019

Above & Below No DNA Matches to my Bio Grandparents as of 10 Nov 2019

The Section Above are My Parents and Grand Parents

below My 8 Great Grandparents with No DNA Matches as of 10 Nov 2019


The Following only those Ancestors with a DNA Match will be annotated/image covered with # of DNA Matches, and amount of #  cM (centimorgans)

to Evaluate relationship paths are in-op (not connected to Ancestry

above those with DNA Matches as indicated

below No DNA Matches


Note: Osse Eaton per AncestryDNA is the first match to an Eaton of my Tree

The Following only those Ancestors with a DNA Match will be annotated/image covered with # of DNA Matches, and amount of #  cM (centimorgans)

to Evaluate relationship paths are in-op (not connected to Ancestry


The Following only those Ancestors with a DNA Match will be annotated/image covered with # of DNA Matches, and amount of #  cM (centimorgans)

to Evaluate relationship paths are in-op (not connected to Ancestry


The Following only those Ancestors with a DNA Match will be annotated/image covered with # of DNA Matches, and amount of #  cM (centimorgans)

to Evaluate relationship paths are in-op (not connected to Ancestry

Surnames not in alphabetical order.

Eaton, Begnal, Young, Wilson, Perry, Blaschko, Shaughnessy, Pereira Cardozo, Bowen, Stevens, Follrich, Ireland, Brewer, da Silva, Tucker, Coan, Bradley, Velomszka, Posh, Posch, Penner, Barker, Dillane / Ó Duilleáin, Jeronimo, Jorge, Hearon / O'Heerin (Irish: Ó hUidhrín), Howard, Frasier, Griffin, Schajovics, Pooler, Penner, Crawford, Parke, de Faria, Luiza, Nazare, Bates, Dickinson, Wittam, Pennoyer, Gifford, Sanford, de Ascencao, Silveira, Luisa, Nunes, Antonia, FE, Inacia, Ide, Marble, De Wolf, Wright