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Photographs sent from Pezinok, Slovakia

Fotografie zaslané z Pezinok, Slovensko - Kliknite pre zväčšenie


If you can indentify person (s) in these photos taken at St. John of Nepomuk

Known home addresses 1923-1939 - 1031 1st Ave and 424 E. 66th St.

Please Contact me


Click to Enlarge

Anton Posch and Paulena Ruczyeka

Anton Posch and Paulena Ruczyeka

1st Communion Anna & Maria

1st Communion Maria & Theresa Posch



Anton Posch & daughter Theresa Posch

Test on back of 6031



"Dear aunt (this was sent to my aunt Katarina Posch trueborn Orth) here is a picture of how it leads to the temple master, because there is such a habit that the father leads his daughter before the altar and handed it bridegroom" .

Theresa Posch and father Anton - 6031


Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Hromada

Text on back of 6033



"This picture shows the case of marriage with their chosen of God."

Theresa Posch and Rudolf Hromada - 6033


Wedding of Theresa Posch & Rudolf Hromada

Text on the back of 6035


"Here is a picture of dignity as Monsignor marriage. There is also a Maria and Anna as companions and Imrichova Ondrejkovičova"


6035 - Slovak Church St. John of Nepomuk


Anton Posch & Maria

Text on the back of 6834



Here is issued to Mary. It for Christmas and the bridegroom is called Joseph.

Anton Posch and daughter Maria Posch  - 6834


Anton & Paulena Posch, Maria and Joseph Unknown

Text on back of 6836



"This I am with my wife and Maria with Joseph just after marriage. We wish you a happily merry Christmas and happy new year.  Anton"

L to R - Anton & Paulena Posch, Maria Posch & Joseph -6836

Slovak Church St. John of Nepomuk

click to enlarge

Slovak Church St. John of Nepomuk, 411 East 66th Street & 1st Ave, New York, NY 10065 - 212 734-4613

Church of St. John Nepomucene, 1st Avenue and East 66th Street, was built in 1925 by John Van Pelt.  John of Nepomuk (1340-1393) is the patron saint of Bohemia in today's Czech Republic.

Slovak Church St. John of Nepomuk

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