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Ron  | Dianna, AU | Betsy  | Jerry, CA | Adele, WA | Victoria ? | Doreen, ARKate | Nancy, NE | Wendy, Canada | Marilyn, FL | Linda, NJ | Robert, OR | Floyd, IL | Marilyn, Canada | Dawna, FL | Diana, IL | Steven, IL | David, England | Judith S, FL |   


You are a funny man, Doc!  I like your stream-of-consciousness and the information you convey...from ID#254


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Ron - ID#295 - Mar 2014

Thank you so much for finding all that info. I never would have found it.  Now I have relatives in other states that I never heard of.  I really appreciate your remarkable help.

Thanks a million, Ron

Rees  |  Calvey  |  Meek



Dianna, AU - ID#287 - Dec 2013

Doc, I'm about to fall off my chair this is extraordinary, I just cannot believe that you went to all this trouble.

I will compare it to what I have done also, but I am absolutely astounded that there are people like you that do such amazing things.

Hoober | Ray | Benway



Betsy - ID#278 - 2013

Hi Doc,

What an amazing researcher you are!!!  You have found so many interesting records, that I will have to take a couple of days to digest.  This is so exciting!!!


Jerry, CA - ID#230 - 2011

Hi Doc,

Totally amazing the amount of data you can glean at your finger tips when you have a few clues to go with.  You've covered a lot of territory in a short time on my family. 
Many thanks for your excellent detective work.

Furman | Mexbauer | Forman Foreman


Adele, WA - ID#243 - 2012

Doc, You have given me so much:  research, research how-to, Ancestry, and the benefit of your computer research experience.  I can't thank you enough or go through each detail with you right now.  Please know that I recognize your experience and superior research abilities just seeing what you have come up with.  I'm just sorry that there is confusing Thomas Baird information on the Internet.

Smith | Baird



Vickey R. - ID#175 - 2009 & Dawn W.


Hi, Doc
I never thought of looking through these boards but I think you may have just solved our family's puzzle that my grandmother Elva Fairchild kept secret from us past her death!


Blint | Fairchild | Mullarkey



Doreen, AR - ID#208 - 2011


Doc, Thank you for all your time and effort! It's wonderful to find someone as knowledgeable as you, and willing to help the researcher, like myself, that makes a mess of things!



Fitts | Gaines | Caldwell | Campbell | Suggs | Hunt |




Kate - Volunteer

Doc, I'm not sure why she would not reply to you. I've never known you to be anything but helpful and courteous, some folks don't always respond in kind unfortunately

I always thought you were the Admin! LOL   I keep an eye out and try to help folks, its harder now that I don't have full access to Ancestry, luckily sometimes I can get enough info off of Ancestry to find folks on HQ and the Family Search Labs are good for the 1870 and 1900.


Battey | Comstock | Fowler | Mowry |




Nancy of NE - ID#192 - 2010-2013


Thank you for the Christmas  greeting.  You give a wonderful gift all year along, your time and resources to help others.  This gift just keeps giving as we preserve the information you send for our family.


Doc, I know if anyone can find them you can.


Hetherington | Dischner | Sheldon | Hart | Hicks | Miller | Hildebrand




Wendy of Canada - ID#141 - 2009


Hi Doc,


You were (are) such a big help, I want to thank you again for your help in finding Janet.  And to update you!  You did find a needle in a haystack.  Janet Partridge, born c 1932 somewhere, is actually known as Donny Freeman! 


I took your passenger info re Janet Partridge, and the weddings that looked like at approx age (although she was 47 at the time, so could have had a previous marriage, and a different name!), and then I looked up the husband in the San Fran phone book (not too many Sigmund's!), and voila! 


I phoned the number and had a lovely chat with Janet, and we are going to correspond!   Thank you so much for your help.  Wendy


Can I just say, Doc, that you are amazing.  You have been doing these volunteer Look-Ups for a l-o-o-o-n-g time.  And you are so quick!  You have helped a lot of people, including me a couple of years ago.  When I get back to studying this part of the world again.


I will also be contacting you!  For now I am just impressed with how helpful you are to others.




Somerville | McDonnell | Partridge |




Marilyn, FL - ID#173 - 2009


Dear "Doc,"


 A million thanks!!!!  I appreciate your taking the time and effort to help me.  The information is priceless.


Alfman |




Linda, NJ - ID#13 - 2006-2008


Hi Doc!

WOW!!!!  What a surprise when I got on the computer after work!!  I had no idea you were continuing to look for information on my ancestor! 


Thank you so much!  I am going to print everything out and look at it carefully.  I love the timeline!  It puts everything in order and makes it easier to see how things were evolving. 


Esporrin | Flynn | Mallet | Heckert




Robert in OR - ID#180 - 2010


Good Morning Doc,

All I can say is WOW!  What a fantastic amount of information. I just got up (Pacific Standard Time in Oregon) and I need to go over all this.  You have put me miles ahead of where I was.



Nestle/Nestel | Hagle | Cobb



Floyd in IL - ID#186 - 2010


What a great find, thank you so much.  Are you a professional researcher?  I would be interested in more information regarding your services. 

Thanks for putting pieces of the puzzle in place.


Floyd N.


Potter | Clark




Marilyn in Canada - ID#61 - 2007-2010


Ultimately all members of the two families have been located (thanks to you!) in the Boston area.




Charlton/Manning | Kee | Masters | Murphy | Handy | Morrow | Reynolds




Dawna in FL - ID#24 - 2006-2010


I wouldn't have ever picked it up - counted twice by being in two different places on two different dates and getting enumerated in both. 

Excellent!! I'm telling's your "magic"!!!!! Experience is just a dull way to say it!!!!


I've created a timeline as you suggested.  The discovery you made regarding Johannah being counted twice certainly cements the relationship between the Fitzgerald's and the Kennedy's.  And that's good.


Burns/Byrns | Dyer | McChesney / Macheskie




Diana in IL - ID#200 - 2011


That's great that Ancestry . com acknowledge your efforts, and great that someone like yourself corrects mistakes they have found along the way. 

Thanks Doc for all your help too, I wouldn't have leaned as much as I have without you about my Ancestors.   Diana


Grennan | Rubis | O'Neill | O'Neil | Kelly | Kelley




Steven in IL - ID#84 - 2008-2011


Hi Doc,

This is an incredible find! We've been looking for Matthew for years...never occurred to us that he left MA and went to IL  where his brother Joseph migrated.


Always thought he stayed in MA and VT with most of his family . As usual, you've been most helpful over the years!

Barber | Ficks | Mason | Mathews |




David, England - ID#210 - 2011


I haven't had chance yet to sit down and sift through the mass of information you have kindly sent regarding Michael Hines (1890) and just as important your discovery of his Brother Martin.


The work you have done is amazing, thank you once more.

Regards, David


Hines | Hynes




Judith S. in FL - ID#69 - 2008


Dear "Doc"


My Goodness, that was quick! I got the blank form with no trouble, but  could not access the image of the page with Gilead Hunt listed.  What am I  doing  wrong?  I can't even find any mention of it.


I have struggled with this all  afternoon. I was nearly in tears, but your instructions did help me through  it, and when I accessed my AOL through Netscape, it came up at the bottom of the  page. 

Then I had the difficulty of trying to save it.  It would ONLY  allow bitmap, so I was stuck with that.  I finally managed to copy it into Camedia and was able to reduce it to print on one page, and save it as a word  document.  I am happy, and will sleep tonight instead of fretting.  


Thank you so much for  all your help.  Tomorrow I will make another request  for the next census that has an entry for Gilead --I am really looking for his  son, Abraham, whom I think was born in 1799.

You are my champion!


Judith S.


Hunt |




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25% of Donations go to Further Support "Pink Fire Trucks" & Best Friends "Strut Your Mutt"

Thank You, Doc

Contact - D. R. "Doc" Young

D.R. "Doc" Young

We Shall Never Forget

Our Ancestors - Genealogy Research Blog


Mayflower Descendant of Francis Eaton (1595/96-1633) & Christian Penn (1607-1684) my 9th Paternal Gr-Grandparents

Ancestry Member since 13 May 2004, Researching since Sep 1992

Blaschko | Eaton | Perry/Pereira Cardozo | Shaughnessy | Wilson -> Family Tree


*FTDNA Kit No. 892549 (5 Feb 2019) Y-DNA Haplogroup R-M269
*GEDmatch A476709 (28 Apr 2018) - GEDCOM ID5626977 (13Feb2019)
*AncestryDNA (16 Dec 2016)


My Ancestry DNA Results

My Blaschko | Eaton | Perry/Pereira Cardozo | Shaughnessy | Wilson -> DNA Group











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