Surname Index Search Site Research Assistance Eaton Blaschko Pereira Cardozo Shaughnessy Wilson


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All the DNA Testing I doubt can tell you really who your Ancestors were, i.e. Roman means the vast majority of modern Italians are descendants of people who regarded themselves as Romans by the time of the end of their Empire.

Romans were not Italian or Greek, they were molded by the Italian, Greek, and Punic civilizations that they fought against.

My Grandmother Antoinette Victoria Blaschkov was born Szentgyörgy, Hungary, Austrian Empire (today Svätý Jur, Slovakia)...but does that make me Hungarian ?

If you look at World History, The Huns were a nomadic people who left the steppes of Central Asia, traveled to Europe and threatened what was left of Rome's empire.

In Europe, groups of Huns defeated the Goths (Germans) of eastern Europe, the Slavs, the Franks (French), the Roman Empire, and many others. The Huns settled in the area that is now called Hungary, along the Danube River between Budapest and Szeged, Hungary.

My DNA results show I am 50% West European, 7% Eastern European, 7% Great Britain, 26% Ireland, 7% Italy/Greece, 2% Iberian Peninsula 2% and 1% Africa

However based on History, I could be a descendant of anyone of the Roman Empire or Huns



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Mayflower Descendant of Francis Eaton (1595/96-1633) & Christian Penn (1607-1684) my 9th Paternal Gr-Grandparents

Ancestry Member since 13 May 2004, Researching since Sep 1992

Blaschko | Eaton | Perry/Pereira Cardozo | Shaughnessy | Wilson -> Family Tree


*FTDNA Kit No. 892549 (5 Feb 2019) Y-DNA Haplogroup R-M269
*GEDmatch A476709 (28 Apr 2018) - GEDCOM ID5626977 (13Feb2019)
*AncestryDNA (16 Dec 2016)


My Ancestry DNA Results

My Blaschko | Eaton | Perry/Pereira Cardozo | Shaughnessy | Wilson -> DNA Group


Surname Index Search Site Research Assistance Eaton Blaschko Pereira Cardozo Shaughnessy Wilson



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       Surname Index Search Site Research Assistance Eaton Blaschko Pereira Cardozo Shaughnessy Wilson
