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Szentgyorgy, Pozsony, Hungary today is Svaty Jur, Bratislava, Slovak Republic


Mongol Empire Invasion and Conquests  -  History of the Hungarians



Szentgyorgy Pozsony Hungary

All Galicia Database of Towns and Locations - Search Gesher Galicia


Szentgyorgy is now Svaty Jur (city), Pozsony is Bratislava (county), which is North-East from the city of Bratislava, Slovak Republic.


Svätý Jur (-Slovak, German: Sankt Georgen, Hungarian: Szentgyörgy) is a suburb of Bratislava in the Bratislava Region of Slovakia. The town's name between 1960 and 1990 was Jur pri Bratislave.  About Bratislava - Bratislava ; formerly Slovak Prešporok; German: Pressburg or Preßburg; Latin: Posonium; Hungarian: Pozsony is the capital of Slovakia.


The first finds date back to the Hallstatt period and Quadi period. Svätý Jur was first mentioned in a written source in 1217 and received a town charter in 1299. It became a royal free town in the Kingdom of Hungary in 1647. It was devastated by the Ottoman Turks in 1663, who also destroyed the White Castle, which had been an important castle of the region until then.


The town includes the Gothic Church Sankt Georgen (St. George) and the largest raceway in Slovakia. The surrounding area includes several vineyards and the unique Šúr swamps, a protected area.


Svätý Jur (1948-1992 Jur pri Bratislave, in Hungarian Szentgyörgy, in German Sankt Georgen) was in Pozsony (Slovakian: Pre¹porok) County of the Kingdom of Hungary till 1919/1920 (Declaration of Martin / Treaty of Trianon). 1920-1938 part of Czechoslovakia, 1939-1945 part of Slovakia, and 1945-1992 part of Czechoslovakia.


Names: Latin - Danum Sancti Georgii, German - Sanct Georgen, Hungarian - Szentgyorgy
Latitude: 48 15' N, Longitude: 17 12' E
Elevation: Av 165 m above sea level; range: from 129 - 593 m
Population: 4650
Means of Access: By rail: route Mo, 880: by road: route No, 502
English Version of Svaty Jur's web site - Vitajte vo Svatom Jure - rich with pictures and history




Mongol Invasion - 1206-1337 you may have heard of Genghis Khan


My Hungarian grandmother, siblings & parents lived Szentgyorgy, Pozsony, Hungary however reading about much of the History of Europe & Roman Empire, Asia one may think their Ancestor is Hungarian, or of the connecting Countries after the Fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Dual Monarchy a union of Austria and the Apostolic Kingdom of Hungary that existed from 1867 to 1918, collapsed as a result of defeat in World War I, lineage blood line that of Hungarian, might not me as the...


...Mongol invasions and conquests progressed throughout the 13th century, resulting in the vast Mongol Empire, which, by 1300, covered much of Asia and Eastern Europe.

This Empire unified Mongol and Turkic tribes of historical Mongolia under the leadership of Genghis Khan, who was proclaimed ruler of all Mongols in 1206.

Historians regard the Mongol raids and invasions as some of the deadliest conflicts in human history.


"Mongol Empire map" by User:Astrokey44 - Based on the freely licenced Image:Genghis khan empire at his death.png using information from maps of the Mongol Empire in atlases and on the web such as [1], [2]  Made in Photoshop and Painter.. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

According to Brian Landers, "One empire in particular exceeded any that had gone before, and crossed from Asia into Europe in an orgy of violence and destruction.  The Mongols brought terror to Europe on a scale not seen again until the twentieth century."

The Mongols invaded and destroyed Volga Bulgaria and Kievan Rus', before invading Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria, and others. Over the course of three years (1237–1240), the Mongols destroyed and annihilated all of the major cities of Eastern Europe with the exceptions of Novgorod and Pskov.

This Conquest stretched from Central Europe to the Sea of Japan, extending northwards into Siberia, eastwards and southwards into the Indian subcontinent, Indochina, and the Iranian plateau, and westwards as far as the Levant and Arabia.  


So am I of a Hungarian blood line, or that of the Khan's Mongolian blood ?  I also am descendant of Irish, English & Scottish, and that of Portuguese from the Azorean Island, however who really discovered the Azorean Islands and who were its first inhabitants, and before 29 Apr 1793, when my 4th great grandfather was born, where did his parents live before, if not the Azorean Island ?  



Hungarian Flag 1867-1915

21 Dec 1867 - 1915


Hungarian History

Origin of Hungarians - Hungary 101

The former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was divided after World War I. The consequence of the Treaty of Trianon following World War I, was that Hungarian property was reduced to one-third of her pre-war geographic area. Hungarian territories were allotted to Austria (Burgenland area) Czechoslavakia (now Slavakia), Romania (including the former Transylvania), and Yugoslavia.



Lyrics - "Isten, áldd meg a magyar"

God Bless the Hungarians
With good cheer and prosperity.
Extend a protective arm

If they fight the enemy.
Torn by misfortune for long,
Give them happy years.
These people have expiated
The past and the future.

By Thy help our fathers gained
Kárpát's proud and sacred height;
Here by Thee a home obtained
Heirs of Bendegúz, the knight.

Where'er Danube's waters flow
And the streams of Tisza swell
Árpád's children, Thou dost know,
Flourished and did prosper well.
For us let the golden grain
Grow upon the fields of Kún,
And let Nectar's silver rain
Ripen grapes of Tokay soon.

Thou our flags hast planted o'er
Forts where once wild Turks held sway;
Proud Vienna suffered sore
From King Mátyás' dark array.


But, alas! for our misdeed,
Anger rose within Thy breast,
And Thy lightnings Thou did'st speed

From Thy thundering sky with zest.
Now the Mongol arrow flew
Over our devoted heads;

Or the Turkish yoke we knew,
Which a free-born nation dreads.

O, how often has the voice
Sounded of wild Osman's hordes,

When in songs they did rejoice
O'er our heroes' captured swords!

Yea, how often rose Thy sons,
My fair land, upon Thy sod,
And Thou gavest to these sons,
Tombs within the breast they trod!
Though in caves pursued he lie,
Even then he fears attacks.
Coming forth the land to spy,
Even a home he finds he lacks.
Mountain, vale - go where he would,

Grief and sorrow all the same -
Underneath a sea of blood,
While above a sea of flame.
'Neath the fort, a ruin now,
Joy and pleasure erst were found,
Only groans and sighs, I trow,
In its limits now abound.

But no freedom's flowers return
From the spilt blood of the dead,
And the tears of slavery burn,
Which the eyes of orphans shed.
Pity, God, the Magyar, then,
Long by waves of danger tossed;
Help him by Thy strong hand when
He on grief's sea may be lost.
Fate, who for so long did'st frown,
Bring him happy times and ways;
Atoning sorrow hath weighed down
All the sins of all his days.




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