
Descendants of


1st Generation -  Samuel Stoddard (1789) SC & Mary (1808) SC


2nd Generation - Nathanial Stoddard (1843-47) & Ezolada/Ezolida (1841-44)


Civil War - Return to Mercer


1st Generation: Note: Generations will change as I find parents, etc.


Samuel Stoddard/Studdard, b. abt. 1789, SC, m. Mary A., b. abt. 1808, SC




Andrew Studdard, b. abt. 1837, SC

Nathaniel Studdard, b. abt. 1842, SC
Manerva Studdard, b. abt. 1844, SC

Adam Y Studdard, b. abt. 1851, AL



2nd Generation:


Nathanial Stoddard, b. 26 Oct 1843, d. 22 Dec 1884 and Ezolada, b. 20 Aug 1841, d. 18 Jul 1878, m. 6 Dec 1865.




Thomas A. Studdard, b. abt. 1868, IL
Samuel H. Studdard, b. abt. 1870, IL
James D. Studdard, b. abt. 1873, IL
Mary Prudence Studdard, b. 18 Jul 1878, IL, d. 8 Jan 1932, m. George Allen Mercer, b. Sep 1874/8, IL. (son of William F Mercer and Melinda Adeline Beggs)


Note: Per the 1870 census, Nathanial is Nathanl Studdard, b. abt. 1847, Alabama, Ezolada is Ezolida, b. abt. 1844

Census - 1850 - 1860 - 1870 - 1880




In 1870 census Nathanl is the same person in 1880 census as N. Studdard, b. abt. 1844, South Carolina, Ezolida died in 1878, the day of the birth to Mary Prudence.  Below you will see also 2 sons listed in 1870 in 1880, Thomas A. & Samuel H. Studdard.  Make note that in both census years, the name is spelled and indexed as Studdard.


Also looking at the images for Mercer's and Stoddard's, the name Whitaker is prominent.  And at this time I am betting that Ezolida, is a Whitaker, call it a hunch.  By chance I found a Ezolida Josephine Whitaker (daughter of Henry Fletcher Whitaker and Margaret Sophia Miller) was born June 12, 1876 in Illinois, and died August 31, 1948 in Illinois, Alexander County.  I know the birth years are off, but feel Ezolida is a Whitaker because of the given name of Ezolida.


1850 - note: all census are as indexed and may not be accurate


Name: Samuel Studdard - 1850 image
Age: 61
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1789
Birth Place: South Carolina
Home in 1850(City,County,State): Division 15, Fayette, Alabama

Household Members:

Samuel Studdard 61

Mary Studdard 42
Andrew Studdard 13, b. abt. 1837, SC

Nathaniel Studdard 8, b. abt. 1842, SC
Manerva Studdard 6, b. abt. 1846, SC, note name of Manerva is Minerva is Minnie



1860 - note: all census are as indexed and may not be accurate


Name: Nathaniel Studdard - 1860 image
Age in 1860: 17
Birth Year: abt 1843
Birthplace: South Carolina
Home in 1860: Eastern Division, Fayette, Alabama
Gender: Male
Post Office: Fayette Court House

Household Members:
Samual Studdard 70
Mary A Studdard 50
Mary Studdard 40
Andrew Studdard 22
Nathaniel Studdard 17
Maneory Studdard 14
Adam Y Studdard 9



1870 - note: all census are as indexed and may not be accurate


Name: Nathanl Studdard - 1870 image
Estimated Birth Year: 1847
Age in 1870: 23
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1870: Hazelwood, Alexander, Illinois
Post Office: Dougala

Occupation: Farmer

Household Members:
Nathanl Studdard 23
Ezolida Studdard 26
Thos A Studdard 2
S H Studdard 6/12
Sarah Berry 9
Adelia Coleman 17

1880 - note: all census are as indexed and may not be accurate


Name: N. Studdard - 1880 image
Home in 1880: Elco, Alexander, Illinois
Age: 36
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844
Birthplace: South Carolina
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's Name: Adaline
Occupation: Farmer
Marital Status: Married

Household Members:
N. Studdard 36
Adaline Studdard 22, wife
Thomas A. Studdard 12, b. abt. 1868, IL
Samuel H. Studdard 10, b. abt. 1870, IL
James D. Studdard 7, b. abt. 1873, IL
Mary P. Studdard 2, b. abt. 1878, IL, m. George Allen Mercer, b. Sep 1874/8, IL
Martha J. Sharp 3



1900 - note: all census are as indexed and may not be accurate



1910 - note: all census are as indexed and may not be accurate



1920 - note: all census are as indexed and may not be accurate


1930 - note: all census are as indexed and may not be accurate



Civil War & Soldiers - 1861-1865


1873-Southern Loyalists Civil War - image


David Studdard - Fayette Co. AL

Samuel Studdard - Fayette Co. AL


Southern Loyalists in the Civil War - About this book

Source: A Composite Directory of Case Files Created by the U.S. Commissioner of Claims, 1871-1880, Including Those Appealed to the War Claims Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Court of Claims.  Gary B. Mills

Six years after the end of the Civil War, Congress created the Southern Claims Commission, through which pro-Union Southerners could apply for reimbursement of some of their losses. Some 22,298 cases were filed by individuals, family groups, churches, and businesses, and the adjudication of these suits created a vast store of historical data that is now maintained by the National Archives. Among other things, these case files include such items as family letters and Bibles, wills and probate records, personal accounts, and property inventories...a motherlode of genealogical data.

The present work is a "master index" to the case files of the Commission, and it is the only viable means of unlocking the vast trove of records it generated. The index gives, in tabular form, the name of the claimant, his county and state, the Commission number, office number and report number, and the year and the status of the claim.










Death Record or SSDI




Notes: (do not concern yourself with the notes as of yet, in process of confirming)




Compiled & researched by D.R. “Doc” Young

genealogyresearch at drdocyoung dot com

Created - 22 Apr 2008

Updated -

3rd Generation -

4th Generation -

5th Generation -

3rd Generation

4th Generation


5th Generation


Passenger list


Census 1850 - 1860 - 1870 - 1880 - 1900 - 1910 - 1920 - 1930




Death Index/Info


City Directories


Notes: by D.R. “Doc” Young

The above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge and is obtained from Censuses, Birth, Death and Military Records and descendants I have contact with.  You will note full names, full birth dates and places of birth as found on Birth, Death and Military records, may or may not be accurate.










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