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Ancestorology The "Nook & Cranny" Genealogy Researcher - We Are Our Ancestors Eyes & Ears telling of their Journey


"There are not Enough Hours in a Day for Genealogy Research - That is Why it
Takes Years to Learn Who What Where When and Why if you are wanting to know"  I am here to assist

"I have no Life Outside of Genealogy Research, and I do this for an Unpaid Living"

                                                                                                                               by D.R. "Doc" Young

"On the Trail of My Ancestors"


About this Genealogy Research & Assistance Author: I use Computational Research skills in the Discovery of Ancestral Lineage by Genealogy Research Sep 1992, of Historical Records of Birth, Marriage, Death, City directories, Public Records, Emigration/Immigration, Passenger & Naturalization, Passport, Military draft & registration and More.


Beginning about 150 years ago, there may been 62 people who are directly responsible for your existence.  You have two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, sixteen great-great-grandparents, and thirty-two great-great-great grandparents.


Do you Remember Names, When and Where Born, where living and when ?  If not, that is what this GenDoc does, is to find People from our past, your Serendipitist (definition, an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident)


I am online 8-16 hours a day x 365 days...I may be able to respond within an hour or two, usually after 7 a.m. MST, depending on my research load.


I may be able to Save you Hours, Days, Weeks, Months or Years of Researching, uncover information not previously found.  Assisting you with your search, I may take down a block wall or two.  I tend to be expeditious Caution as I may be overwhelming the amount of information I may find in a short time, depending on information provided by You or from my initial search of Your Ancestor.  Genealogy Research & Assistance


"Paying it Forward" by helping others is my main interest...when I research your Ancestor, its as if I am looking for my own, utilizing years of experience and networking, I am able to accomplish much in a short time.



In Researching for your Ancestor...Facts...Just the Facts are needed

Basic information is Needed: Name (full name if known), When & Where born (abt. year & County/State or Country), Where living Year of Request (County & State), the Historical Event/Record you seek...i.e. US Federal Census, B M D, Military, Passenger / Immigration (abt. year if known), Naturalization, State or SSDI Death (if known when deceased), etc.

Some State Census are available, as are some Public Records & City Directories.  I have allot of experience in finding a Person, provided they were indexed/recorded Year of your Request and if those records are available 1620 to Present, not all States, Counties & Township/Cities, Territories are Scanned/Indexed/Available. 


I have No Guarantees, as Names can be extremely difficult to read, may be miss-spelled at time of record was recorded, in the transcription process & how indexed, condition & age of document since the archiving/storage of a document/records of any Year.   Chances are, I will find your Ancestor or Family, based on the information I am provided and if records are available online.

Example in finding my grandfather Clifford F. Begnal, I found in 1940 indexed as
Chalfant E Bynel.  My grandmother Thelma F. nee Perry Begnal, I found in 1930 indexed as  Benesh / also from a 1931 Newspaper as a Witness to Murder as Benesch.  My Shaughnessy's indexed as Shanesa, Saunepey, Shaunghey, Shawghessy, Oshanghnepey, Oshannasey.

Research Progress: I Keep Track of most all e-mails regarding a Search, and of any Document/Record Images I download, are saved and backed up.  The purpose is for quick reference of information exchanged, records for clues to other historical events, and in the event I receive Additional Request for the Same Ancestor, Lateral Lineage or a Continuing search of the Same Ancestor, I already have Research information on file, and I can resume the search days to years later, re-reading is required and update if needed from the requesting Researcher.

Another Reason for Keeping Track...It has been my experience, a Researcher may have lost data due to catastrophic hard drive failure (unrecoverable), unforeseen disasters (floods/tornadoes/hurricanes), Fire, Theft or a computer virus/accidental deletion or from reformatting a hard drive.


Not all is lost, I have on hand exchanged Research information (e-mails), notes of my research, any images I may have downloaded related to a previous search on your behalf, I have assisted in finding. 

I can also aide in locating other records/documents lost of your Research.


With over 30 years computer experience, I can be of assistance with computer issues.

Thank you for allowing myself to be apart of your research experience in finding the missing pieces of the Lineage puzzle.


Genealogy Research & Assistance can Save you Time & Money


Depending on information provided & Current Research Request Pending by Date Received will Have Priority !
Results Most Often happen within Minutes to a few hours or a Day or More, depending on Your Research Request
Donations help offset Costs, of Research Memberships, Equipment Usage, Domain & ISP, Utilities...

25% of Donations go to Further Support "Pink Fire Trucks" & Best Friends "Strut Your Mutt"


Thank you, D.R. "Doc" YoungD.R. "Doc" Young.aka Genealogy Sleuthhound


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Mayflower Descendant of Francis Eaton (1595/96-1633) & Christian Penn (1607-1684) my 9th Paternal Gr-Grandparents

Ancestry Member since 13 May 2004, Researching since Sep 1992

Blaschko | Eaton | Perry/Pereira Cardozo | Shaughnessy | Wilson -> Family Tree


*FTDNA Kit No. 892549 (5 Feb 2019) Y-DNA Haplogroup R-M269
*GEDmatch A476709 (28 Apr 2018) - GEDCOM ID5626977 (13Feb2019)
*AncestryDNA (16 Dec 2016)


My Ancestry DNA Results

My Blaschko | Eaton | Perry/Pereira Cardozo | Shaughnessy | Wilson -> DNA Group




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       Surname Index Search Site Research Assistance Eaton Blaschko Pereira Cardozo Shaughnessy Wilson
