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AVFD - Station 5 - 4635 & 4665

In Memory of Ken Woodcock Sr.

I was Ken Woodcock's driver 1981-83


Click on Capt. Randy Randolph     to view more pics and the Maximum Exposure TV clip of AVFD Willow Fire 28 Aug 1999

Right Click and Save As - images are larger than displayed


I used to always tease Woodcock Sr. about being the best observer.

This is Woodcock watching over community service worker.

The new floating draft pump...but really fishing with the guys.


Woodcock Sr., Watkins, Woody and Qualls

Ok, let see where is the key or is it the clutch, darn stick shifts!

Good Old 4635 - provides shade when you need it & something to lean on.

Cleghorn Fire Air Drop support

Stolen and burnt, we had many of those, we responded to from Sta. 5

Wait, do not walk away!


Taking a smoke break from the smoke

FF Randy Randolph and the 2 pictures above taken about 1981

      Bear Valley Blvd Apartment right across from Fire Sta. 4



Capt. Randy Randolph - watch below the Maximum Exposure TV clip of AVFD Willow Fire 28 Aug 1999

Over 60,000 acres, a dozen homes lost 9 days to fight  2700+ Fire Fighters




Visit my Fire Fighter pages D.R. "Doc" Begnal-Young D.R. "Doc" Young We Shall Never Forget


In Memory of Fallen Californian Fire Fighters Since 1850 - California Firefighters' Memorial at Capital Park, Sacramento



My Great Grandfather Charles Garfield Wilson  (1868-1899)

1890's Fair Haven FD, Connecticut



My Grandfather Clifford Franklin Begnal (1903-1960)

South San Francisco F.D. CA

Died on Duty 15 March 1960

In Memory of Fallen Californian Fire Fighters Since 1850 - California Firefighters' Memorial at Capital Park, Sacramento