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red light


Welcome, Fire Fighter Brothers & Sisters! 

and to all those in the Emergency Services Fields & Law Enforcement



  If You Served/Worked at George Air Force Base this site is very important - Hazardous Toxic & Radioactive Waste (HTRW)

Pentago Branches of US Armed Forces

The Pentagon the Universal Symbol of U.S. Strength and Security known around the World

Trivia: The Pentagon lies on 1,100 acres of land on which it sits, was once part of the sprawling estate of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.  The federal government confiscated it during the Civil War, but the building's concept and construction didn't happen until several decades later.


Find Me among the 62 Marines shown below - click on picture



Please E-mail - If only your Comments of this section of drdocyoung website




About Your Department < click this link




If Only About Your IAFF Local < click this link




If Only Your Departments Website < click this link

Dalmatian Mailbox




Before 9 11 2001

Proud to be a Former Marine, a United States Marine and a Federal Fire Fighter with DOD protecting those who protect our Nation Our Military for over 24 yrs.

 Fallen Firefighters Those Fallen


RED is an acronym that stands for Remember Everyone Deployed

R.E.D. Friday was created to remind people of our heroes overseas and show that we are thinking of them.

Military spouses Lisa Miller and Karen Boier organized an event and rallied many of their fellow Canadians to show up wearing red. While the "RED" is the color that fits the acronym, it also happens to work perfectly with the Canadian flag.


In the aftermath of 9/11, America entered the Global War on Terror, a protracted, hard-to-measure conflict that has taken U.S. forces to multiple countries around the world.

Same of Wars/Conflicts of Our Nation since 1607 Jamestown and 1620 Mayflower arriving

Remember All Who Have made the Ultimate Sacrifice


Do you know of a child that is chronically or terminally ill.  Give the Gift from the Heart....

Songs of Love

Songs of Love Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating personalized songs for chronically and terminally ill children and young adults with a one-of-a-kind song of joy and inspiration.

John Beltzer -- Founder, President & CEO

As a retired federal firefighter of 24 years, your not forgotten.  If you have information for other federal firefighters, please e-mail and I will post on this site or create a link.


    A fire started on some grasslands near a farm.  The county fire department was called to put out the fire.  The fire was more than the county fire department could handle. Someone suggested that a nearby volunteer bunch be called. Despite some doubt that the volunteer outfit would be of any assistance, the call was made. The volunteers arrived in a dilapidated old fire truck.  They rumbled straight towards the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames and sped! The firemen jumped off the truck and frantically started spraying water in all directions.  Soon they had snuffed out the center of the fire, breaking the blaze into two easily-controlled parts. Watching all this, the farmer was so impressed with the volunteer fire department's work and was so grateful that his farm had been spared, that right there on the spot he presented the volunteers with a check for $1,000.

    A local news reporter asked the volunteer fire captain what the department planned to do with the funds. "That ought to be obvious" he responded, wiping ashes off his coat. "The first thing we're gonna do is get the brakes fixed on our fire truck!"

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